Saturday, May 21, 2011

Why Start A Blog?

             So, i made a blog, and yes, it's in Helvetica.
            Psyche! Yeah, I know, only pretentious hipster-fags have blogs, but damn it, my words do not exert an undertone of repressed angst and jealousy towards the pop culture;  nor do I become engaged with interests solely due to the fact that it's counter culture. I do what feels right for me. It's not that I have a problem with the hipster culture, well actually, yes I do. Counter-culture for the sake of counter culture is just as stupid as the culture that is being countered.<--- You can totally make sense out of that.

              BUT WHY A BLOG?
               Because facebook isn't for my organized opinions.
I'll basically write about everything here. Feel free to give me suggestions, I wanna see if my words strike chords with anyone. :]

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