Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Mad: Types of People That Piss Me Off.

the following is a major rant, obscenities will be uttered, some people will get mad, and some babies will cry.
enjoy :]

            I mad. People piss me off. Sometimes. Most of the time, I freaking love them. Meet me IRL, I'm a pretty cool guy, I treat everyone as equals because we are all ONE intelligent, fractal, framented, detached consciousness  experiencing itself. If you can understand that last sentence and it resonated within your very soul, then YOU sir/madam/androgynousbeing and I are like minded. If not, WTF do you believe in?


Here's a list of adjectives that I hate finding in people.

  • Fickle: /ˈfikəl/  Adjective: Changing frequently, esp. as regards one's loyalties, interests, or affection.   If you're a fickle motherfucker, I can't fucking stand you. Yes, people change their minds, and yes, no one is perfect, but if your mind or heart is like Obama's ad campaign, then YOU are part of the problem. What problem? The human condition. No explanation for you, you fickle shit.
  • Close-minded : It's not the 1930's you fucktwat, pot is good in moderation (fuck it, SMOKE WEED ERRRDAY), Sex is good for the soul, Gays SHOULD marry whoever the fuck they want (mind your own fucking business you bible-thumping, inbred mouth-breathing sack of shit), U.F.O.s are here and they're watching us, the government is slowly fucking all of us over (call me a conspiracy theorist, but duuuuude the government is the shadiest motherfucker of them all), and titties, that's right I said it, titties.
  • Ignant: get out of my face you ignant shit.
  • Mediocre: -_________________________________________________________- mediocre in the sense of the arts. If you truly love something, you do it wholeheartedly, not for the sake of your useless image.  SCABS come to mind when I hear this word. Don't know what a scab is? Read my blog about music, you'll further understand my passionate LOAAATHING of scabs.
  • Stupid: see ignant.

Now that THAT'S out of my system. I feel like I can love everything again. 

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Rant

In some study by some prestigious University, unbeknownst to me because I didn't pay attention in class, lab rats were hooked up to electrodes and were given a choice of buttons to press. One button stimulated the pleasure centers in the rat's brain, while the other button provided the rat with food. The result?
The fucking rats died of starvation. 
Why? Because feeling good matters more than survival to living things. We suffer for that which we love doing. Obesity, STD's, drug abuse, we don't give a fuck about our well being so long as we're getting closer to feeling the ultimate satisfaction. 
That's in unhealthy individuals, though. psyche!. We're all sick, self destroying creatures, and many of us around the world are becoming aware of that. 
In humans we justify our self destruction as self medication, and unsurprisingly it all roots to the system we're all a part of. How cliche right? Research the federal reserve and the powers that be. Your life is fucked up? Firstly, blame yourself for your current surrounding is solely a manifestation of your choices. Secondly, blame the powers that be: the media, the government, and the federal reserve ( a private bank that lends it's money to the U.S.).
1. programming: Predetermined behavior (as defined by Google).  When you watch television, the shows you watch are called programs, as in your behavior is being predetermined, you mouth breathing twat. They're meant to alter your emotions, beliefs, and ultimately, your behavior. Not to mention the low frequencies that televisions emit to keep you in a zombified state. Fuck man, I freaking love T.V., learning all of this shit bummed me out, but i digress...

2. Government: The system by which a nation, state, or community is governed. But señor, WHAT MEAN GOVERN?  Let me break it down through roots. Govern = control
-Mente =  mind


and don't get me started on religion and Christianity.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Mixes

Listen to my shit fool.

fa-real maybe you'll find something you lieeek.

some are extremely amateur, but if I can get a head nod out of you, I did my job.


My Freedom, a dream
The shedding of a black veil
A phoenix, arisen 

This Freedom, a dream
The dream is an illusion
Created by me

And yet, it is not
For this illusion is real
Shifted paradigms

I am free, suckas
From the clutches of ego
This phoenix is me.


Haikus are badass, they make you sound all deep and shit ;]

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Stream of Late Night Thoughts

Micheal J. Fox Jokes

        Dead Baby Jokes, Racist Jokes, Sexist Jokes, and Anti-Jokes
are all funny as hell

Nice guys finish last
Pricks live forever
and the good die young.

Sometimes, I ponder to myself: What ecological niche do humans fit into? Because animals have to benefit their environment to be part of a niche, no? Hmmmmm, and why the huuuge ass brain to even ponder about shit like that? 
There must be something more that we all probably just forgot. I mean look at the whole "junk DNA" thing... I'm kind of too lazy to explain it tonight, but basically we can all be Jedi's but our DNA won't allow for it... yet.

a blog explaining junk DNA


This is my test-run post to see if people actually read, but fuck it you're here already.
                 Now it may not be my strongest suit in regards to creating, but music is the language of the soul, so everyone can relate and find at least one song and genre that they like. And if they can't, they're either deaf, soul-less, or missing the right side of their brain. 
 I am currently on the
every once in a while

             That's counting all genres. If you ask me, I like 'em all, YES even country and all of the other genres people in L.A. can't seem to wrap their urban heads around. <-- a generalization of Los Angelenos, who knows, maybe people ARE becoming less close minded...

           I love discussing musical tastes with people that actually understand their music. It's one thing to like a song/band/genre because of the overall satisfaction it gives the listener, but it's another to jump into it due to a certain attitude or lifestyle it promotes. 


people that go to raves to just do drugs and trip out

Same goes for the other music scenes. 

Here's a list of why I love music with examples.

  1. Music can change you're emotions. If I'm not in a good mood, "Strobe" by deadmau5 cheers me right up. Conversely, I play "Gaia Bleeds" by Set Your Goals to get pissed off and wanna punch a pigeon. I'd NEVER PUNCH A PIGEON, they're so fucking funny, why would I do that? lol
  2. This can also go for number 1, but it deserves it's own. Music makes you feel like a bad ass. "Stayin' Alive" by the Beejees, play it, you'll feel like John Travolta in his prime and relevance.while you're walking around.
  3. You realize that most of the situations we go through in life have been experienced before, i.e. heartbreak, romance, death, hunger, WHATEVA SON. No matter the situation, someone has gone through what you've gone through before AND they wrote a song about it. "Quit Playing Games" by the Backstreet Boys, I rest my case, 90's kids represent.



Why Start A Blog?

             So, i made a blog, and yes, it's in Helvetica.
            Psyche! Yeah, I know, only pretentious hipster-fags have blogs, but damn it, my words do not exert an undertone of repressed angst and jealousy towards the pop culture;  nor do I become engaged with interests solely due to the fact that it's counter culture. I do what feels right for me. It's not that I have a problem with the hipster culture, well actually, yes I do. Counter-culture for the sake of counter culture is just as stupid as the culture that is being countered.<--- You can totally make sense out of that.

              BUT WHY A BLOG?
               Because facebook isn't for my organized opinions.
I'll basically write about everything here. Feel free to give me suggestions, I wanna see if my words strike chords with anyone. :]